Печать ключа защиты для модуля безопасного доступа
Печать ключа защиты для модуля безопасного доступа
Персонализация смарт-карт большими тиражами.

The challenge
Managing traffic flows, especially those of heavy goods vehicles (HGV) throughout the EU is an increasingly complex domain. There are currently 6.5 million HGVs in circulation on Europe’s roads and of these at least one million travel long distances(1), causing maintenance and environmental concerns for public and private authorities. To offset the costs generated by road transport, tolls and taxes are applied according to information provided by the trucks’ on-board units (OBUs). In Austria, United Access has been using the Evolis printers to manufacture the crucial Secure Access Modules (SAMs) that protect the OBU’s communicative functions.

The solution
United Access purchased its first Quantum, distributed in Austria by EDV-Beratung Grassl, in 2007. Since then, the company has increased its fleet to 10 and more than 500,000 SAMs have been produced and electronically initialized. According to United Access Directors Gerhard Teuschl and Peter Klein.

The benefits
A provider such as United Access must adapt quickly to meet the requirements of such a rapidly evolving environment. The goals of the recent European Electronic Toll Service, which include the interoperability of different hard and software systems and the provision of real-time traffic information resulting from the harvest of OBU data, highlight the continuing demand for precision technology. With a reliable yet flexible hardware partner such as the Evolis Quantum, United Access is on solid ground to accommodate growth in the road toll sector across Europe in the years to come.
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